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Faculty Salary Survey by Discipline

Latest Edition: 2023-2024

Cost: $100.00


First published in 1974, the Faculty Salary Survey by Discipline is a project directed by Oklahoma State University’s Office of Institutional Research and Analytics. In an effort to produce a national sample of average faculty salaries by discipline, Doctoral degree-granting institutions from each state and the national service academies were selected to provide low, high, and average salaries for each academic discipline and faculty rank represented on their campuses. With the exception of the service academies, these institutions annually award doctorates in a minimum of five different discipline areas. The result is a study, which higher education administrators and government officials can use for salary budget decisions.


The book is arranged by Carnegie Classification (R1-Very High Research and R2-High Research), geographic region, faculty rank, tenure status, and 6-digit CIP codes, with 2-digit and 4-digit summary pages included as needed. Two separate “All Discipline Average” pages are included, one with medical disciplines and one without medical disciplines. Also included is the category, "new assistant professors" as a subset of the assistant professor category.


This year, data from 94 institutions was submitted by the required deadline to be included in the survey, including many belonging to the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU), those who have historically participated in previous years, and others who also award doctoral degrees in five different discipline areas. 


This publication is produced in April of every year. Prior years are available for purchase in the Marketplace or by request.


Table of Contents

Survey Example


Survey Purchases

All purchases for our surveys and studies will be handled through the OSU Marketplace. If your institution’s policies do not allow for credit card purchases, please contact or 405-744-4244 for alternative payment options.


Other Surveys and Studies

  • Faculty Distribution by Rank, Ethnicity, Gender, and Discipline

    Latest Edition: 2022-2023

    Cost: $75.00


    In this study the faculty numbers are counted by discipline and grouped by ethnicity and gender for each faculty rank. This report does not provide salary information. Included are the "all disciplines combined" averages and "all discipline average without medical disciplines" which are found at the end of the publication. Also included is the category, "new assistant professors" as a subset of the assistant professor category. 


    This publication is produced in April every two years. Prior years are available for purchase by request.

  • Graduate Assistant Stipend Survey

    Latest Edition: 2023-2024

    Cost: $75.00


    Information regarding graduate assistant stipends is requested along with the faculty information. The participating institution may or may not choose to provide graduate stipend information. This publication looks at the graduate student stipend salaries as reported by participating institutions which also report the amount of tuition and fees waived for graduate assistants. This report is organized similarly to the Faculty Salary Survey by Discipline.


    "ALL SCHOOLS" contains average, high and low stipends with the number of graduate assistants and reporting institutions.

    "ADJ BY TUITION/FEE WAIVER" adjusts the stipend data for institutions who waived some or all of the in-state tuition and/or fees.

    "RANKED" information summarizes the adjusted average stipends from each institution and then ranks each average without identifying the institution.


    This publication is produced in May of every year. Prior years are available for purchase in the Marketplace or by request.

  • Special Studies

    Cost: $175.00 each


    A special study consists of 3 components: report(s), data feed(s), and a data file layout. The report and data feed formats are similar to the Faculty Salary Survey by Discipline publication. Below is a list of special studies that we have provided to various institutions. 


    Peer Study

    This study allows an institution to compare their average salaries against a predefined group, preferably a minimum of ten institutions, selected from the list of participating institutions.


    Peer Study Example


    Longitudinal Trend Study
    This study looks at the same institution’s salary information in consecutive years over a several year period, usually five years.


    Ordinal Study
    This study lists each average salary, high to low for each CIP code for each institution in your peer group. No individual data per institution is identified as per OSU’s confidentiality agreement.


    Ordinal Study Example


    Percentile Study
    This study groups the average salary to a percentile, 25%, 50%, and 75%. There are many disadvantages to this study because we don’t receive individual salaries. We are computing a median average of the low, high and average salaries that are weighted by the number of faculty.


    Customized Study
    We may customize a study to meet your needs. Examples of customized studies are comparison studies or creating a report based on your institution’s college structure. Please contact our office for further details.