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Institutional Research and Analytics

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Student Record Data

OSU facilitates students' academic and personal success through the gathering of relevant data. Individual offices and departments oversee initial data collection and storage, following applicable laws and policies. This information is not exhaustive but is meant to illustrate what is typical on campus. This section may be updated as needed without notification. If there is a term that you do not know, check our Data Dictionary.

  What Purpose Does the Data Serve

Student Success

  • Facilitate personal relationships between students and faculty/staff
  • Maintain reports to support consistent advising throughout student’s academic career
  • Communicate about events, opportunities, and deadlines in a timely manner and improve communication over time
  • Perform operations, such as scheduling appointments and sending reminders

Other Purposes

  • Long-term decision-making and planning for services
  • Compliance with federal and state law
  What Data Do We Collect

Admissions Application

  • Race, ethnicity, gender, legal name, citizenship, permanent address, state of residency, etc.


  • All addresses (permanent, mailing, local), phone numbers, preferred name, personal pronouns, gender identity, emergency contact, etc.

Slate CRM

  • Advising and tutoring notes; form responses, including advising information forms; mass e-mail and text (SMS) communication; e-mail engagement (opens and clicks)
  How We Collect Data

Student Inititated

  • Complete an Admissions application
  • Update Banner Self Service
  • Submit Slate forms

Slate CRM

  • Generated by system or staff member such as advisor, faculty, tutor, or communications team

Third-Party Vendor

  • Purchased data such as student test scores and contact information for prospective students
  Where We Share Data

Demographic Data

  • Included as individual information in reports available to FERPA-trained university staff with a legitimate educational interest
  • Included in aggregate form in IRA Dashboards (public and restricted)
  • OSU privately and securely shares individual student data with select vendors in order to provide additional support for students through advanced analytics.

Contact Information

  • FERPA-trained university staff with a legitimate educational interest, including academic advisors

Emergency Contact

  • FERPA-trained university staff with a legitimate educational interest
  • In the case of an emergency, University Health Services, Student Support and Conduct, and the OSU Police Department may be provided with this information.

Preferred Name

Certain data (defined as "directory information") may be shared without explicit consent. Directory information is subject to Open Records requests.


  When We Retire Your Data
  • Information pertaining to student record is retained indefinitely by OSU (name, Banner ID, address, etc.)
  • Vendor retention guidelines vary, but may be limited by their contracts with OSU