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Institutional Research and Analytics

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Student Profile

The Student Profile is OSU's fact book.  It contains various statistical breakdowns of the current student body, past enrollment trends, retention and graduation rates, degrees granted, and projections of future enrollment.


Fall Student Profile

Spring Student Profile


Student Credit Hour (SCH) Dashboards

The Student Credit Hour (SCH) dashboards compare the number of SCH taught by an academic department or college for a particular semester with the number of SCH taught the previous year.


Full Year SCH Trends

Fall Semester SCH Trends

Spring Semester SCH Trends

Summer Semester SCH Trends


Academic Ledger

The Academic Ledger contains a five year history of student, faculty, research, and financial information, as well as tuition/mandatory fee rates. The information is available at the university, college, and department levels. 

Academic Ledger


Student and Alumni Legislative Districts

The Student and Alumni Legislative Districts dashboard provides counts of students and alumni by U.S. House, Oklahoma House, and Oklahoma Senate districts. The data is displayed in map and table format. Legislative districts for students and alumni were determined by permanent address.

Student and Alumni Legislative Districts